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Our collection is a celebration of cultural narratives, a bridge connecting you to the diverse beauty of our world.

In the lush canopies of the Australian forests, the satin bowerbird, a creature of vibrant plumage and artistic inclinations, weaves an extraordinary story. With meticulous attention, it curates its bower, collecting an array of naturally vibrant objects, each chosen to tell a tale and to charm a mate. At That Lifestyle Co., we are the human embodiment of the bowerbird’s spirit, crafting a haven of eclectic and charming lifestyle products, each with its own story, waiting to be woven into the tapestry of your life.


Just as the bowerbird selects only the most striking feathers, leaves, and twigs, we at That Lifestyle Co. traverse the globe for items that speak to the soul. Take our organic Piz Palü tea, for instance, whose leaves carry whispers of the crisp Alpine breezes and the towering majesty of Swiss glaciers. Or consider our therapeutic jewelry, handcrafted with gemstones that have bathed under the Spanish sun, their hues as deep and stories as rich as the culture they hail from. Each product is not just an item; it’s a passport to a world of wonder, wellness, and holistic happiness.


Our collection is a celebration of cultural narratives, a bridge connecting you to the diverse beauty of our world. Through the peppermint zests of tea that invigorate like the summit winds, to the earthy embrace of sage, reflecting the grounded strength of Piz Cambrena, we foster a cross-cultural appreciation that echoes the bowerbird’s celebration of diversity. It’s a symphony of experiences, a harmonic blend of the world’s unspoken tales and the silent poetry of artistry.



Sustainability isn’t just a practice; it’s the melody to which our brand dances. The products you find here, from the Arbequina olive oil, rich with the legacy of its Spanish grove, to the natural wines that carry the untamed spirit of the earth, are all curated with the promise of eco-conscious stewardship. We are committed to preserving the vibrancy of our planet, much like the bowerbird’s dedication to the vibrancy of its bower.


In our journey, we’ve encountered artisans, guardians of ancient crafts, their hands weaving beauty into form. By cherishing their work, we preserve not just their crafts, but the stories of their hearts and lands. Each piece of jewellery, each sip of wine, is a tribute to these timeless skills, a narrative spun through generations, a legacy preserved in the face of time.

Embrace the bowerbird within. Let your collection of moments be as rich and as curated as the bowerbird’s bower. With each item from That Lifestyle Co., you’re not just acquiring a piece of the world; you’re embracing a philosophy, a way of life that cherishes the stories, the beauty, and the artistry of our eclectic world.

We invite you to join us in this dance of curation and celebration, to weave the essence of the bowerbird’s spirit into your life. Together, let’s curate a life that’s not just lived, but cherished, story by story, product by product, moment by moment.

Explore our curated collection and discover the charm and story behind each selection. Share with us your tales of how these curated gems enrich your life. Are you ready to curate your charmed life with That Lifestyle Co.?